In this Blog, we will be discussing Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys.


=NOW()Display the current date and time.
=TODAY()Display the current date without the time.
=DAY(TODAY())Display the current day of the month (1 – 31). For example, if the current date is 4-09-2022, this formula returns 4.
=MONTH(TODAY())Display the current month of the year (1 – 12). For example, if the current month is Sept, this formula returns 9.
=TODAY()+7Add 5 days to the current date. For example, if the current date is 4-09-2022, this formula returns 11-09-2022.


=SUM(A1:A10)Add the values in cells A1:A10.
=AVERAGE( A1:A10)Calculates the average in cells A1:A10.
=COUNT(A1:A10)Counts the number of cells in a range that contains numbers
=INTRemoves the decimal portion of a number
=ROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
=IFTests for a true or false condition
=NOWReturns the date and time
=TODAYReturns the date, without the time
=SUMIFCalculates a sum from a group of values in which a condition has been met
=COUNTIFCounts the number of cells in a range that match a criteria
=COUNTA(A1:A5)Count the number of non-blank cells in a range
=ROUND(1.45, 1)Rounds 1.45 to one decimal place
=ROUND(-1.457, 2)Rounds -1.457 to two decimal places
=TRUEReturns the logical value TRUE
=FALSEReturns the logical value FALSE
=ANDReturns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
=ORReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUE

Unit Conversion Formulas

=CONVERT(A1,”day”,”hr”)Converts value of A1 from days to hours
=CONVERT(A1,”hr”,”mn”)Converts value of A1 from hours to minutes
=CONVERT(A1,”yr”, “day”)Converts value of A1 from years to days
=CONVERT(A1,”C”,”F”)Converts the value of A1 from Celsius to Fahrenheit
=CONVERT(A1,”tsp”,”tbs”)Converts the value of A1 from teaspoons to tablespoons
=CONVERT(A1,”gal”,”l”)Converts value of A1 from gallons to liters
=CONVERT(A1,”mi”,”km”)Converts value of A1 from miles to kilometers
=CONVERT(A1,”km”,”mi”)Converts value of A1 from kilometers to miles
=CONVERT(A1,”in”,”ft”)Converts value of A1 from inches to feet
=CONVERT(A1,”cm”,”in”)Converts value of A1 from centimeters to inches
=BIN2DEC(1100100)Converts binary 1100100 to decimal (100)
=ROMANConverts a number into a Roman numeral

Mathematics Formula

=B2-C9Subtracts values in the two cells
=D8*A3Multiplies the numbers in the two cells
=PRODUCT(A1:A5)Multiplies the cells in the range
=PRODUCT(F6:A1,2)Multiplies the cells in the range, and multiplies the result by 2
=A1/A3Divides value in A1 by the value in A3
=MODReturns the remainder from the division
=MIN(A1:A8)Calculates the smallest number in a range
=MAX(C27:C34)Calculates the largest number in a range
=SMALL(B1:B7, 2)Calculates the second smallest number in a range
=LARGE(G13:D7,3)Calculates the third largest number in a range
=POWER(9,2)Calculates nine squared
=9^3Calculates nine cubed
=FACT(A1)Factorial of value in A1
=EVENRounds a number up to the nearest even integer
=ODDRounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
=AVERAGECalculates the average
=MEDIANCalculates the median
=SQRTCalculates the square root of a number
=PIShows the value of pi
=POWERCalculates the result of a number raised to a power
=RANDReturns a random number between 0 and 1
=RANDBETWEENReturns a random number between the numbers you specify
=COSCalculates the cosine of a number
=SIN Returns the sine of the given angleCalculates the sine of the given angle
=TANCalculates the tangent of a number
=CORRELCalculates the correlation coefficient between two data sets
=STDEVAEstimates standard deviation based on a sample
=PROBReturns the probability that values in a range are between two limits

Text Formulas

=LEFTExtracts one or more characters from the left side of a text string
=RIGHTExtracts one or more characters from the right side of a text string
=MIDExtracts characters from the middle of a text string
=CONCATENATEMerges two or more text strings
=REPLACEReplaces part of a text string
=LOWERConverts a text string to all lowercase
=UPPERConverts a text string to all uppercase
=PROPERConverts a text string to proper case
=LENReturns a text string’s length in characters
=REPTRepeats text a given number of times
=TEXTFormats a number and converts it to text
=VALUEConverts a text cell to a number
=EXACTChecks to see if two text values are identical
=DOLLARConverts a number to text, using the USD currency format
=CLEANRemoves all non-printable characters from text

Finance Formulas

=INTRATECalculates the interest rate for a fully invested security
=EFFECTCalculates the effective annual interest rate
=FVCalculates the future value of an investment
=FVSCHEDULECalculates the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates
=PMTCalculates the total payment (debt and interest) on a debt security
=IPMTCalculates the interest payment for an investment for a given period
=ACCRINTCalculates the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest
=ACCRINTMCalculates the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity
=AMORLINCCalculates the depreciation for each accounting period
=NPVCalculates the net present value of cash flows based on a discount rate
=YIELDCalculates the yield of a security based on maturity, face value, and interest rate
=PRICECalculates the price per $100 face value of a periodic coupon bond

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